Meal box delivery company HelloFresh has issued safety warnings after a cooking trend has become popular on TikTok.

The video platform is popular with cooking and recipe inspiration where users regularly post videos of cooking hacks, tips and tricks.

Not all cooking videos should be followed though as HelloFresh warns about the recent trend of ‘perpetual stew’.

Perpetual stew is also known as the forever soup and involves continuously adding various ingredients into a pot for cooking.


more medieval behavior!

♬ original sound - Annie Rauwerda

Annie Rauwerda (@depthsofwikipedia) is just one of the TikTok users that have posted videos explaining what perpetual soup is and how it's made.

The trick is that the pot is never fully emptied and instead, additional ingredients and liquids are topped up as needed. 

On TikTok, #perpetualstew has 2.8 million views at the time of writing.

Despite its popularity on the social media platform, HelloFresh has explained that the recipe could cause food poisoning.

HelloFresh issues warning as TikTok perpetual stew hack could cause food poisoning

Culinary experts from HelloFresh have issued safety warnings for those wanting to try the TikTok trend at home.

HelloFresh’s Head Chef Mimi Morley explains: “I’m a big lover of TikTok and it’s fascinating to see the thousands of recipes being shared on the platform. With that being said, it's important to be aware that not every trend should be attempted at home.

“I strongly advise against consuming a stew that has been cooking for over a month, as the longer the stew sits, the higher the risk of food poisoning and other risks to your health.” 

@travisleon1 Wating 45 year old perppetual stew in Bangkok! Would you eat this?  #bangkok #thailand #bangkokfoodies ♬ PEARLS OF IBIZA  - Michael Ruland

Mimi Morley added: “Ingredients rich in nitrates, like celery, parsley, spinach, cavolo nero and other green leafy vegetables, grow more toxic with repeated reheating. Similarly, potatoes shouldn’t be eaten if they’re overcooked - which is inevitable if you’re simmering them for extended periods - as this can lead to the formation of acrylamide.

“Not only that but leaving the stew to cook in a pot for weeks at a time also exposes the food to bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.”

Morley suggested bulk cooking instead, saying: “Instead, I recommend bulk cooking the stew and dividing it into containers, which can then be safely stored in the freezer for later reheating. This approach ensures both safety and convenience, sparing you the need to constantly monitor the simmering process for days on end.

“For added variety, consider incorporating different ingredients into each stew to discover your favourite flavour concoction.”