A DISAPPOINTING start to the season has continued for Kendal rugby after they came out second-best away at second place Blackburn at the weekend.

Kendal made a good start, Blackburn knocking on Glen Weightman’s hanging kick off, then Alex Ryder gathering the loose ball and making ground.

More good work forced a penalty which Glen Weightman put over for a 0-3 lead after three minutes.

But Blackburn were quickly back in the game. A penalty was put to touch and from the lineout, their forwards battered the Kendal line and eventually found a gap for a try which was converted, 7-3 after eight minutes.

Blackburn attacked from the restart kick, and made ground with good handing and fast recycling to stretch the Kendal defence to force a penalty. They took a scrum and the ball was quickly moved left and some poor Kendal tackling saw another try. This time the conversion hit the post 12-3 after ten minutes.

It took just three minutes for Blackburn to add another try, with more slick handing 19-3.

An injury to Alex Ryder saw Dane Blenkharn come off the bench.

Shortly afterwards, following a penalty Blackburn added an unconverted try from a scrum. 24-3, for their try scoring bonus point after just nineteen minutes, and a long difficult after looked in prospect.

After twenty five minutes, Kendal pulled a try back. From a scrum, Steven Nelson picked up and drew the defence, then got the ball away to Lewis Kincart, he used Dan Shorrock on the wing as a decoy, and instead held his pass twice to fool the defence and dive over. Glen Weightman put over an excellent conversion from near the touchline. 24-10.

Kendal opened the second half scoring. Following a scrum, Glen Weightman opened up the Blackburn defence and weaved through for a try under the posts, then added the conversion 27-17 after seven minutes.

With five minutes to play, Kendal added a third try. Lewis Kincart took a penalty quickly, and good handling by Mark Carruthers and Ingacio Cisint, put Dini Noyo over in the corner. Again Glen Weightman added the difficult conversion 34v24, to put Kendal within a score of a losing bonus point.