The warning lights are flashing, the traffic cones appear and then the familiar temporary road signs – Get in the Right Lane.

Life is often compared with a journey; there is the beginning and there is the destination; the same destination but different routes. The same can be said for the lane we use – same road, different lane. But we need to be in the right lane; otherwise we might just miss the exit.

The lane that some choose in life is to deny God. No God, then I can drive as I like, I make the rules of the road. This, they think, is the fast lane – but going too fast, ignoring the signs; well they might just miss the exit.

The next lane is for those who don’t bother to deny God, rather they just don’t bother to even consider. This is the middle lane and they will hog it – after all it is their car and their journey; but lack of consideration, ignoring the signs; well they might just miss the exit.

Finally there is another lane, narrower and often bumpy.

Jesus said: ‘Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.’ The warning lights are flashing, the cones are in place – Get in the Right Lane; otherwise you might just miss the exit.

  • The Rev Brian Streeter, St. Mary’s, Windermere & Jesus Church, Troutbeck