Are you planning an event to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee? If so, The Westmorland Gazette would like to hear from you.

It might be a street party, a barbecue or picnic, or a village bonfire. Or perhaps your group is planning a display of memorabilia from 60 years ago.

We are also seeking your diamond jubilee stories. Do you recall the Queen’s Coronation? Were you in London at the time or taking part in a local celebration? What was life like in this area 60 years ago?

If you are planning an event or have memories you would like to share, please contact The Westmorland Gazette: call 01539 710161, email or write to The News Editor, The Westmorland Gazette, 1 Wainwright’s Yard, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4NE (mark your envelope ‘Diamond Jubilee Celebration’).