KENDAL town councillors have backed a scheme to install temporary signs to help visitors find car parks in the town.

A survey of visitors revealed that many tourists think Kendal has bad traffic problems and poor parking facilities.

Kendal Tourism Group, which conducted the survey, asked the town council to agree to put new temporary signs showing visitors where parking is available.

Apparently signposting is so bad that many visitors drive straight past Peppercorn Lane car park, on the right hand side of Kirkland, and then past the John Boste car park in the left hand side without seeing them.

Some even end up going round in circles on the town's one-way system.

Councillors agreed in principle to back a scheme to put temporary signs up at a cost of £1,214 per six month period but support and funding from the county council and members and other bodies will be needed before any signs go up.

Councillor Chris Mayho said: "This has been going on for many many yeas - the parking signs in Kendal are abysmal.

It cannot wait until the development of Kirkland comes, we need something done now because we are getting an undeservedly bad reputation for parking and traffic problems."