A GROUP of councillors charged with coming up with ideas for the future of land around junction 36 of the M6 has met for the first time.

As previously reported by the Gazette, some councillors believe the land around the M6 interchange could provide industrial land and jobs.

The working party of South Lakeland District Council members has decided to invite organisations and groups to talk to them, to provide them with any specialist information they might need.

At their next meeting on Monday, October 9, development agencies like the Cumbria Inward Investment Agency, Furness Enterprise, and Cumbria County Council will be invited.

Other groups which could be asked to talk to the employment land working party could include parish councils.

The group will eventually produce a report on the employment land in the district beyond the year 2006.

SLDC head of economy and development Richard Greenwood said any decisions about junction 36 could not be taken without considering the impact on the rest of the district and neighbouring districts.