SIGN language can open doors between deaf and hearing colleagues or acquaintances and the Cumbria Deaf Association are inviting members of the public to give it a whirl.

In two, 24-week evening classes beginning Monday, October 2, and Tuesday, October 3, students will be taught British sign language and the association promise the skill will help people to make a real difference to those around them.

John Brown, the association's chief executive, said: "British sign language is the first language for most deaf people."

For further details of where and when the classes will be held contact Ian Douglas, manager of support services on 01228 606434.

l As part of Deaf Awareness Week a coffee morning will take place on Friday, October 13, from 9.30am to 12 noon at Kendal Town Hall in aid of Kendal Deaf Centre.

Entrance will be 50 pence, and the event will include a raffle, cakes and bring and buy.