Sir, To the people of Kendal and district; the midwives and staff of Helme Chase thank you for joining Saturday's march.

We wish you to know its purpose and all concerned now know the overwhelming support Kendal and district gives to its local maternity unit.

l The original review, led by Mr Turnbull (retired consultant obstetrician) stated: "Elective sections are safe to continue in Kendal."

l The Royal College of Midwives supports this.

l It is now proposed that all sections take place in Lancaster or Barrow.


Mr Turnbull's review recommended more midwives in Kendal and district to deal with the extra work, caused by doctors withdrawing their services and to improve work done in the community.

The new proposal recommends 1.5 midwives less.


The new proposal quotes a cost of £105,000.

This money is to be spent increasing staff in Lancaster to accommodate the extra work created by transferring women from Helme Chase.

Lancaster, in common with other large maternity units, has great difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff and is unable to achieve recommended staff levels.

The Royal College of Midwives is very concerned about this.

Who will care for our women?

The consultants and some doctors will withdraw from Helme Chase to fulfil new national guidelines.

This is not optional.

The Helme Chase midwives have, enthusiastically, met the challenge of extra training to fulfil the role of junior doctors.

Other midwife-led services around the country had demonstrated excellent safety records for 'low-risk' births.

New Government guidelines recommend more midwife-led units.

Westmorland General is a modern hospital; are we to suffer the loss of yet more services for the local community?

The march on Saturday, January 13, demonstrated the strength of feeling concerning the right of women to give birth in their locality at Helme Chase.

We wish to thank the many local businesses, individuals and police for their contribution to the success of the protest.

Undeniably, Kendal and district is saying 'Keep our Local Services in Kendal'.

Audrey Hawkes

Spokeswoman for the Royal College of Midwives
