A RICHLY-decorated jungle scene now adorns a classroom at Sandgate School for youngsters with special needs - thanks to the efforts of Kendal College students.

Lecturers were approached about the idea after it was mentioned to a student on work placement at the school, on Kendal's Sandylands estate.

Nursery nurse Jane Marshall and teacher Karen Treadwell felt the classroom needed cheering up, to make it more welcoming and stimulating for pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties.

College lecturers Sue Murray, Jan Elleray and Ruth Moore thought it would be a great opportunity for students on the Diploma in Childcare and Education course to apply some of their skills.

Several weeks of complementary studies lessons were devoted to researching, measuring, discussing, planning and painting the jungle mural all round the room, including windows and ceiling.

Students involved families, friends and businesses who provided raw materials, and staff at Sandgate are delighted with the result.

It is now hoped a local company will donate a new carpet to complete the effect.