SIR, So the long-awaited Kendal traffic scheme is in trouble.

Oh what a surprise!

The last minute intervention of Stagecoach must be questioned.

Why was this need not

recognised before? Were Stagecoach properly

consulted? Was anybody properly consulted? Was any notice taken of public comments? Yes, I recall a document coming through the letterbox but from what I can gather most of the returned

comments were binned or ignored completely.

A scheme has been needed for 25 years so if a bungling committee can delay it for another 25 years, and that is a real threat, then the issue is nothing short of scandalous, particularly when the two issues that threaten it are red-herrings.

For goodness sake, forget park-and-ride.

If proper research had been carried out in towns that had tried it before it would have revealed that it doesn't work, but we said that in the consultation! I'll say it again - dump it now.

I fear that members of this committee are fresh from the trees surrounding Manchester Airport's second runway and before that the Newbury by-pass.

And I get deja-vu with the ill-fated Lake District traffic initiative.

It shouldn't take much to put something in place this autumn, even if it is an experiment.

Rather see something tried than wait another 25 years.

John T.

