SIR, Your front page story headed 'Town traffic re-think is in tatters' makes sad and disappointing reading.

Just think how much money could have been saved and how many optimistic hopes could have remained unraised if the simple

questions, "can the purchase of Kendal Quarry site be afforded?" and "do we have enough money to pay for the parking enforcement scheme?" had been asked at the start of the first planning meeting.

But something useful could emerge from the ashes of the park-and-ride scheme.

I have yet to meet the person, apart from those who have hatched the idea, who thinks putting the park-and-ride car park at Kendal Quarry is a good idea.

The obvious place for such a car park is to the north or south of town, preferably south.

So, quickly have the re-think Coun Clare has

mentioned and then decide on the obvious


Tim Hodgins
