FOR those who haven't already been, it's not too late to visit the outdoor exhibition of Phytoform sculptures at Levens Hall.

Designed and constructed by Julia Barton during a Year of the Artist residency, these sculptures are constructed mostly of metal, and partly filled with traditional carpet- bedding plants.

It' s difficult to describe them adequately, much better to see them for yourself.

They reflect perfectly both the weird topiary shapes and the areas of bedding that make up the character of the gardens at Levens.

As usual the gardens at Levens were looking lovely when the Brockhole gardeners visited last week.

The herbaceous borders were still in full swing despite recent wet weather; the herb garden too was in excellent shape, a mass of yellows and oranges this year.

Since we were shown round by Chris Crowder, the head gardener, we were also able to inspect the greenhouses, potting sheds and composting areas, places at least as interesting as the gardens themselves to the dedicated gardener!