A tourist attraction near Ulverston, which launched a new venture earlier this summer, is planning to extend further following its success.

In July, Gleaston Water Mill opened a new gift shop, which stocks a whole host of giftware dedicated to pigs, ranging from moneyboxes to stationery.

Owners of the mill for 14 years, Mike and Vicky Brereton, branched out in the hope that that new venture would help to widen the mill's appeal to visitors.

After only two months the gift shop is proving so successful Mr and Mrs Brereton have decided to open the mill, which employs four part-time staff, all year round instead of closing it from Monday to Friday during the winter months.

The couple has also started work on extending the gift shop and creating an educational video room.

The expansion plans include the shop stocking a wider range of gifts and moving the preserves, including jams and chutneys, to a new area at the entrance of the mill.

The video display will include footage about the history of the mill and the local area.

Mr Brereton said he is hoping the new extension will be up and running for the October holidays.

He said: "We are really, really pleased with how the new gift shop has proved so successful.

In the past we have had to close the mill through the week during the winter as we have not been able to attract enough people to get in the revenue but because the shop is doing so well we are going to open everyday for the first time in many years.

"We will definitely get the new area open before Christmas and we are hoping it could even be in time for the October school holidays."