THE Big Apple beckons for a Kendal fireman running to raise money for his comrades.

Simon Stewart, 35, is off to the USA to take part in the New York marathon on November 3 to raise money for the Fire

Services National Benevolent Fund.

But, in light of the anniversary of the

terrorist attacks in New York a year ago today, he is also planning to make a donation to the disaster fund set up for the firefighters of the city and their families.

Simon, a Kendal lad born and bred and now a leading firefighter at the town's fire station, said: "The main reason is to raise money for the Firefighters Benevolent Fund - it's a good cause.

I thought it was a good time to put something back to help because really, you never know when you might need it for yourself.

I'm fit and healthy at the moment so it's a good time to help.

"Also, with it being a year since last September 11 in New York, it seemed like a good time to do it."

Simon will be running the course with around 50 other British firefighters.

He will fly to New York for a week and hopes to meet up with friends and comrades from the New York Fire Department and to pay his respects at Ground Zero where the twin towers of the World Trade Centre once stood.

Mark is an experienced runner but this will be his first full marathon - he is hoping to run the 26 miles and 385 yards in around three hours.

Anyone interested in sponsoring Simon for the New York Marathon can contact him on 016977-42081.
