KENDAL is licensed to party tonight (Friday) as the torchlight procession wends its way through the streets and the townsfolk get stuck into the blues.

Les Wilson and the Mighty Houserockers are set to serve up a double-helping of authentic floor-shaking R&B for one of the town's busiest nights of the year.

Guaranteed to coax even the most committed wall flowers out from their hiding places and onto the dance floor, Wilson has been described as "probably the best slide guitarist of blues and boogie in Europe".

When he isn't performing slide he has been known to come up with sensational blast of authentic Jimi Hendrix.

The Houserockers are a legend in their own right and no strangers to the South Lakeland crowd.

Doors to the Brewery's Malt Room open at 9pm and the Torchlight Special will see a bar-extension until midnight.

For details contact the box office on 01539-725133.