SIR, Following meetings and conversations with Rob Lawley of Capita dbs since May of this year, and on my own observations of Kendal's new traffic system, I do wish that people would give the system a chance.

As both a Kendalian car driver and a pedestrian shopper in the town I find the system all right.

At present, we are only seeing part implementation of the Kendal Traffic Plan.

For Cumbria County Council to employ a firm to assess this part system is both ridiculous and costly to the taxpayer, as a part system cannot be properly assessed.

The Kendal Traffic Plan, as planned and computer-modelled, works well.

I do believe it is time to see the full implementation of the system, including those changes to Station Road and Stramongate area and to push on with the full pedestrianisation of Highgate and Stricklandgate, or at least to take these areas down to a single lane with an increase in pavement width and provision for loading/unloading, disabled parking and taxi ranks which I believe will make the town centre a far more pleasant environment in which to shop, with reduced pollution levels.

The council appreciates that we need additional car parking to compensate for this and existing car parks are already being looked at.

Prior to the works commencing, I travelled to Carlisle and Lancaster, where I discussed with retailers their recollections and experiences of the introduction of the pedestrianisation of both cities.

They told me that, of course, there was some disruption and a fall in trade during the construction and change-over period but once people had got used to it, shopper levels and turnover returned to previous levels, and have increased since.

Shoppers now view Carlisle and Lancaster as good places to shop with a comprehensive selection of shops and nobody would wish either to revert back to the original systems.

The Kendal Traffic Plan is in line with Government policy in reducing pollution levels and car use in town and city centres, in favour of public transport.

It should be supported and given time.

Coun Simon Butterfield
