BRING your cards to life with e-Promocard! Have you got a party invitation to send? A new baby to announce? Christmas cards to send? e-Promocard Designer lets you create personalised, fun multi-media presentations on your PC and then burn them on to a credit-card shaped CD. The CD can also be personalised by using the labelling kit included in the pack.

The result is a CD in the size of a normal credit card that is simply loaded into a PC. Once loaded, the presentation will start-up automatically, announcing anything from your new house to Christmas greetings for your friends and family. To create the multi-media card in just minutes, you follow a number of simple step-by-step instructions. There is a choice of 11 animated templates and five license-free audio tracks as well as built-in animations, buttons and backgrounds. You can also use your own pictures or music to further customise your presentation.

e-Promocard Designer costs £19.95 and comprises e-Promocard's specifically designed software, five CD's with plastic wallets, 16 high-resolution printer labels, label applicator and label creator software.

e-Promocard is giving away copies of its popular multimedia software pack to 5 lucky winners! If you are not a winner this time round, e-Promocard Designer is available from a shop near you Triarom, Windermere.

All you have to do to enter the competition is answer the question below and send it on a postcard (remembering to include your name, address and daytime telephone number)to: Promocard Competition, South Lakes Citizen, 22 Stricklandgate, Kendal LA9 4NE, to arrive by first post next Tuesday. Or, you can email your answer to rachel.ryan@ kendal. to arrive by 9am next Tuesday.

Question: Which shop in Windermere is e-Promocard available from?

- Employees of Newsquest (Kendal) Ltd and their families are not eligible to enter.

- There is no cash alternative to the prize.

- The editor's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

- Winners must agree to participate in any publicity connected with this promotion.

January 8, 2003 10:30