ORTON has been named village of the year in a countywide award scheme sponsored by H&H, WCF, Carrs, Burnetts Solicitors, Cumbria County Council and Sellafield Visitor Centre in partnership with North West Development Agency.

It has been a memorable year for the village, which welcomed the Prince of Wales to its thriving farmers' market last year.

Orton resident, Jackie Huck, speaking on behalf of the Orton Market Hall Trustees, said: "Nothing could have been done without countless examples of voluntary work from all age groups within the village."

An area of Orton is currently being developed under the Parkland Project, which was conceived as a Millennium project. The land is being re-walled and, when the site is finally completed, it will be a lasting place of beauty and conservation for the benefit of villagers.

The Bus Shelter Project involved many of the local children who put their ideas and skills into the interior design, and are now very proud of their efforts.

The village also boast its own Film Society born out of an increased use of the Market Hall after renovation. And the monthly luncheon club, bringing people together in a social gathering after the devastating foot-and-mouth outbreak, and run by volunteers, is a prime example of a community rallying together.

The local Greenholme Show, open to anyone within Orton and Tebay parish, is a small, traditional event that receives great support from locals.

These very special 12 months has been captured for posterity. To mark the Queen's Golden Jubilee, celebrations were held in the village and a booklet produced by Jackie Huck, who is The Westmorland Messenger correspondent for Orton, has become a souvenir of the year.

Jackie said: "Orton is a mix of people, those who have lived here all their lives, farming stock, people who have moved into the area a number of years ago and those who have come relatively recently. Orton is a living village with a mix of age groups, a thriving school, clubs for all age ranges and a number of village-based businesses."

February 5, 2003 12:00