Sir, For Mrs Hardy to say that there is nowhere for young people to meet in Windermere is totally wrong (Letters, January 31, Bus stop').

The reasons that so many young congregate in dirty bus shelters' are not simply for one cause. There are many premises that could be used and, indeed, were designed or altered to provide safe and alcohol-free environments. To my knowledge there are four church-based (the Bowness Methodist Church ran the Two Js youth group, but it faded out ) and at least one council-

supported room that are grossly underused.

They are underused for two main reasons - the first is that there are no young adults prepared to volunteer to run them. The second is that many youngsters do not want to be supervised or overseen in any way.

If you add to that the general drift away from churches and the shortage of helpers for the WI, Round Table, Lions and similar organisations, you begin to get near the truth. Today's society has changed into one that is increasingly self-centred and with little respect for other people, their property or the law of the land.

Like Mrs Hardy I too am concerned at the aimlessness of both young people and young adults and agree that neither a dirty bus shelter nor a smoky bar room are ideal places to meet.

The answer is that the concern needs to be translated into action by parents and young adults. The places are there and ready to be used. Will somebody give up an evening to supervise? Will the young people attend or will they prefer to slouch around, idly frittering away their precious time?

Being rather old and cynical, I fear that nothing will change but I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

Bert Hatley


February 7, 2003 15:30