A SPECIAL bike cop operation has been hailed a success after 47 motorcyclists were stopped for motoring offences.

Bikewatch' police took to the roads in the Lune valley on Sunday in a bid to cut the number of motorcycle road casualties by taking a hard-line on speeders, racers and anti-social riders.

More than 120 motor cycles were spot-checked for faults, resulting in four machines being clamped at the roadside for being untaxed.

Two riders attempted to avoid the check and were stopped a short distance away - one was riding with no insurance and his untaxed bike was clamped - and 38 more bikers were reported offences ranging from illegal use of racing exhausts to illegible number plates.

"Our rural roads are a magnet for motorcyclists. They are welcome visitors and we are not out to harass them - but our message is that over the coming months we'll be watching them and are ready to take a tough line on dangerous behaviour" says Sgt Steve Bainbridge, head of the division's road unit.

"The operation has been a great success, with a number of riders being reported for a variety of offences.

"Last year five bikers died and 21 were seriously injured in the Lune Valley, making this type of operation justified and demonstrating our commitment to reducing road casualties."

April 24, 2003 09:00