25 Years Ago

May 12, 1978

AN architect's drawing showed what the South Lakeland Recreation Centre will look like when completed and, if all goes well, construction work starts next spring. The total cost of the project at April 1978 prices is £1,325,000 with Cumbria County Council contributing about £35,000 to obtain reserved use of the sports hall and swimming pools during school hours.

50 Years Ago

May 9, 1953

COUN C.C. Dent, chairman of the Water Committee, told the council that the town's water supply position was "rather delicate," and every possible step was being taken to save water. The reservoirs were low and the supply was being augmented by pumping from the Mints Feet well.

100 Years Ago

May 9, 1903

IN A leaflet, the Board of Agricultural this week puts forward the best methods for preserving eggs, mentioning in this connection lime water, waterglass (a solution of silicate of soda), and cold storage. As is pointed out, the supply of eggs upon our market is very irregular, and in the winter even the cheaper grades of foreign eggs, which are preserved or "pickled," sell at considerably above the spring prices. When natural deterioration is retarded, or stopped, the home produce can be sold at rates which leave a good margin of profit, even though they are not equal to new laids. Simple means of preservation also regulate the domestic supply.

150 Years Ago

May 7, 1853

THE Small Pox This loathsome fever has been very prevalent in the town of Lancaster, but we are glad to state that it is now on the decline. We urge upon all families the necessity of re-vaccination, in order to check, or at least materially to modify, this disorder.

May 8, 2003 16:00