South Lakeland District Council has agreed to play a "supporting role" in rolling out plans to improve Windermere and Bowness.

At a cabinet meeting, councillors agreed it had an important and influential role to play in the proposals to improve the quality of life in the two towns, but was careful to make no financial commitments.

The Masterplan has been devised by agencies including Cumbria Tourist Board, SLDC and the Lake District National Park Authority The scheme includes a variety of radical plans including gateway parking centres at Orrest Head, Braithwaite Fold and Rayrigg Road; introduction of pedestrian priority areas for shoppers; and the encouragement of cafe culture'.

David Sykes, culture and economic prosperity manager for SLDC, said: "The intention is that we use our resources that we are already expending in that area to achieve it. We are saying if there were additional resources to come we would have to consider that very carefully."

When the plans were unveiled to the public in June they received a mixed reception with some worried the improvements were geared for visitors not residents.