COCKLERS have called for the reopening of beds near Flookburgh to be delayed by up to a year, fearing that there has not been enough time to replenish stocks of shellfish.

The North West North Wales Seas Fisheries Committee is considering opening the beds on December 9, but will not do so until a suitable access point is found.

The beds were closed in April following a scientific survey that found adult and, more worryingly, juvenile stocks to be low.

Cocklers blamed the reduction on years of plundering by "irresponsible" gang masters, exacerbated by an ineffective permit scheme.

This week, cocklers from South Lakeland and Furness told the Gazette they did not think the beds should be reopened for another year because stocks remained low.

Full story and Cockling tragedy trial news in The Westmorland Gazette and online in our News - Trial section.