TIRED of doing the same old jigsaw? Then why not enter this week's Prizetime to win a puzzle of South Lakeland?

The Happy Puzzle Company has teamed up with Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital to launch a very special project, which aims to encourage people to learn more about the geography of their local area.

Following the launch of the Local Map Jigsaw' project all readers have to do is pass on their postcode and the Happy Puzzle Company will produce a map of the area as a 255 or 400 piece jigsaw puzzle with their home postcode in the centre of the map in a house shaped jigsaw piece.

There are Ordnance Survey maps, aerial photograph maps form the Millenium Map project and Victorian maps of the area.

For every map sold before September 2006, £1 will go Great Ormond Street Hospital. Whether you want to explore the geography of your area or to buy a gift for Christmas maps are available from www.happypuzzle.co.uk and a free brochure is available by calling 0870-873-8989.

The South Lakes Citizen has got one map for the LA9 4DP area to give away. For a chance of winning, simply answer the question and send it to me, Andrew Daniels, Jigsaw Competition, South Lakes Citizen, 1 Wainwright's Yard, Kendal, LA9 4DP, or email it to andrew.daniels@kendal.newsquest.co.uk before 9am next Tuesday November 1 (including your name, address and telephone number).

Please note the winner must be able to come into the Citizen offices in Kendal to collect the prize.

Question: Which company is producing the new local map jigsaws?

Employees of Newsquest (Kendal) and their families are not eligible to enter. There is no cash alternative to the prize. The editor's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Winners must agree to participate with any publicity connected with this promotion.