A controversial decision to close three South Lakeland cash desks will stand after councillors voted not to refer the matter to full council.

A cabinet decision was made to discontinue the cash desks at South Lakeland House, in Kendal; Langstone House, in Windermere; and Ulverston Town Hall in January 2006.

From this date, people will no longer be able to pay council tax bills, rent for local authority housing or parking fines in cash.

South Lakeland District Council believes that cutting the service will result in annual savings of £130,000.

However, three councillors, Phil Lister, Tony Rothwell and Jean Ewing, referred the decision to a scrutiny committee meeting after claiming that many people rely upon the service.

At the meeting, strategic director of resources Jack Jones read out a letter from a member of the public opposed to the cabinet decision.

Coun Lister claimed that the decision to remove the service would lead to more vulnerable people slipping through the financial safety net. He also said that the council had treated the cash desk workers shabbily'.

However, Mr Jones pointed out that there were 28 convenient, alternative locations for people to make payments.

For further advice on alternative payment methods, telephone the council on 01539-733333 ext 7171.