I WAS heartened that Robert Segal has finally dropped his triumphalism and concedes that capitalism continues to cause suffering around the globe (Letters, last week).

I was surprised though that Gregg Beaman is so proud to have been born in a country welcoming the oppressed of the world' when he belongs to UKIP who want to end such a welcome.

He talks of Jews coming to this country fleeing Palest-inians. I'm not convinced that this is actually a real issue! But if UKIP had its way many Jews would be denied access anyway since the UK would rarely be the first safe port of call.

UKIP wants to bring about zero net immigration through strict controls with policies which they admit contravene human rights law.

I wonder also how Robert Segal - a proud American would fare if the UKIP Britishness' test was applied? Just as capitalism demands free trade across borders, I believe humanity should have the right to demand free movement.

N. Bliss, Lancaster.