Time pressures could be holding back businesses in the North West 90% of businesses surveyed spend less than two hours a week on business planning British businesses are missing out on potentially improving productivity gains because time pressures are making business planning take a back seat, according to research released today from DTI's Achieving best practice in your business.

Nearly 95% of the business managers and directors surveyed recognise that investing more time in day-to-day planning would improve overall business performance. However, 90% of businesses admitted to currently spending less than two hours each week on business planning with almost a quarter of these saying they simply don't have enough time in the week to plan properly.

The vast majority of the businesses surveyed (84%) are worried that they are not able to spend enough of their time planning to improve their business in a more proactive way.

Businesses can look at these ideas and through case studies, introduce them into the way they work http://www.dti.gov.uk/bestpractice/assets/ideas4busman.pdf.

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