If you eat lots of foods containing antioxidants not only will you reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer but you will help slow down the aging process.

The best antioxidants are beta-carotenes (vitamin A) vitamin C and vitamin E, the ACE vitamins.

The key to getting lots of antioxidants is to remember the 5-a-day rule and make it colourful. By including lots of brightly coloured fruits and vegetables in your diet you will ensure that you get an adequate supply of antioxidants and your meals will be more exciting and interesting.

You can use the table below to ensure that you are getting a good supply of antioxidants.

These antioxidants are found in the food list following them.

Beta Carotenes -carrots, peppers, apricots, spinach, broccoli.

Flavonoids - onions, apples, tea, red wine.

Vitamin C - most fresh fruit and vegetables.

Vitamin E - vegetable oils, whole grains, dark green vegetables, nuts.

Selenium - cashew, brazil and walnuts, cereals, bread, sea fish and poultry.

For more information about eating for a healthy lifestyle please contact Heart Research on 0113 297 6205 or email lifestyle@heartresearch.org.uk.