Focus on accidents...

A SPECIAL free event is being held to reduce the high rates of serious accidents in the region's woodworking premises. The Health and Safety Executive, which is hosting the event, said 94 people have been seriously injured in joiners, carpenters and furniture makers in the Cumbria area since 1999. The safety awareness day will be held at Carlisle's Cumbria Institute for the Arts on February 17.

Fragmented' outcry...

BUS services in the Kirkby Stephen area have been criticised for being "fragmented". The town council heard that some changes to timetables for buses leaving and arriving in the town have meant people missed a connecting bus or could not travel any further. The council will now be urging bus operators to link their services.

Quad bike plea...

POLICE are appealing for information about the theft of a Honda quad bike from an outbuilding at Nateby, Kirkby Stephen. The theft took place