GERALDINE Smith MP expects the people to see right through the BNP (Citizen, last week).

But the majority of the people have failed for eight years to see through the Labour Party, so is she expecting too much?

The traits in the BNP which she lists - no credibility, no solution to problems and anonymity - are all also traits of the Labour Party. The mere fact that a party such as the BNP exists is due in part to the in-competence of the Government.

The mismanagement of this country has driven people to look for alternatives, which, unfortunately, they are unable to find in the mainstream opposition. At this stage it is probably only a protest vote but it will not remain so for long if the Government continues to ignore the mood of the country.

I think Ms Smith would do well to refrain from merely telling us why we should not vote for the BNP, rather she should tell us why we should vote for the Labour Party.

For this to be meaningful, don't just tell us how much you are going to spend, tell us, in a way that the electorate can understand, what you are going to achieve and when. Tell us also what you will do if you fail!

Russell Mills, Hest Bank.