CUMBRIAN school milk project co- ordinator Jenny Turner was out and about last week promoting the calcium cause.

As part of School Milk Week, Mrs Turner has been trying to encourage an increase in the uptake of school milk which has been on a downward spiral since the Thatcher government abolished its statutory provision to children over five in 1980.

"Every child should be given the opportunity to have a carton of milk at school until they reach the age of 11," said Mrs Turner.

"Cumbrian parents want their kids to be offered milk at school because milk is an essential part of a healthy balanced diet.

"In fact, many parents think milk is still available for children over the age of five at school sadly, in many cases it is not.

"It's my job to give schools practical advice on how to implement a subsidised milk scheme for children between the ages of five and 11."

The scheme is primarily run by Cumbria Contract Services and the carton usually costs 13p per child which is a great deal less than a can of fizzy drink and a lot healthier.

"Milk is both a nutritious drink and food," said Jenny. "It hydrates the child throughout the day and gives them the various vitamins and minerals that will help sustain their concentration at school. It's cheap, healthy and packed with goodness."

l If you would like to find out more about the School Milk Project, give Jenny a call on 01768-885050.