FANCY falling down a rabbit hole and finding things to be just as mad as they seem?

If that sounds like your ideal night, get along to Lancaster's Grand Theatre next Wednesday (October 20) for a performance of Alice in Wonderland, courtesy of the Storytellers Theatre Company.

But this is not the usual version of Lewis Carrol's classic this is a musical version where things appear and disappear by magic.

From Alice's first meeting with the Mad Hatter right through the variety of characters to the Queen of Hearts, the new show reveals why nobody needs to wash up the perfect world.

Is it all a dream? Is it fantasy? Or is it reality? Get along to the Grand on St Leonardgate next Wednesday and find out.

Tickets cost £7.50 (£5.50 conc) from the box office on 01524-64695.

The curtain goes up at 7pm with the Storytellers Theatre Company, who played a big part in the opening ceremony of the 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester, guaranteeing the perfect fun fantasy and a night of dancing in the aisles