WHY is always the poor who get it in the neck?

Benefit cheats that is, people on such a small income that they're forced to break the law to make life slightly less unbearable have it hard enough already without the Old Bill and officers from four government departments launching offensives against them (Crack down on cocklers' 30.9.04). As well as the forces of law and order threatening to sweep them into the courts, the Morecambe Bay tides threaten to sweep them to a watery grave.

Geraldine Smith, the darling of the local press, seems more interested in the fact the cross departments' can merrily join hands and work together it must look so good on paper, especially when headed C V.

Similarly, the idea that some of Morecambe's poor may soon become homeless because of the forthcoming facelift' (West End set for facelift', 30.9.04) is to her a tremendous opportunity'. In fact it soon may be necessary to pave over half the West End to make way for her mushrooming collection of bandwagons.

In this mad world, the more money you have the less interference from cross departments you will get and the more white-collar cheating you can get away with. The poor are picked on by the council and its MP because they are a soft target and do not have the wealth to fight back. It's hugely unfair, but at least it shows up those with the legislative power and influence in this area for the bullies they truly are.

Neil Windle, Lancaster