Oranges are not the only fruit Anyone having read "The Orange Book; Reclaiming Liberalism" must see what a ferment is going on within the Lib/Dem party. It is not at all clear what sort of party it is.

The idea of capping tax on GDP, as the writers suggest, is long overdue but it should be about 35 per cent rather than the suggested 40 per cent - about where it is now.

But Charles Kennedy will have none of this and much else that is suggested. He will pretend in one place to be the alternative to Labour, in another the alternative to Conservatives.

In reality he is stuck in his preferred policy of high taxation and high public expenditure and surrender to the EU as soon as maybe.

Above all he would support Labour should there be any possibility of the Conservatives putting Labour out. So no-one should be taken in by him.

Dr J Findlater, Silverdale