LOCAL planning authorities recently refused planning consent for a 70-foot high phone mast on VVV land adjacent to the foreshore at Hest Bank.

Vodaphone have now re-applied to have a mast disguised as a cypress tree installed at the same location.

More than 300 local residents objected to the first application and the objections still apply because the tree' in question is in an important position with regard to the visual amenity of the northern approach to Morecambe.

Although the applicants are trying to disguise the mast this will still be a large alien object on the skyline of the bay.

We see no difference in the application because it will still mean a huge and alien ugly object in the middle of Morecambe's prime asset the view over the bay.

Policy E23 of the Lancaster and district plan says no planning consent should be allowed which would have an adverse affect on the visual amenity of the area. This object, albeit disguised as a tree, would be in contravention of this policy.

Everyone who is of the same opinion is asked to write to the city council's planning depart-ment before August 23 to object, quoting application number 04/01005/FUL.

We would appreciate all the support we can get in defeating this application.

W R Thornton, Hest Bank.