Bogus doorstep collectors may be bagging clothes cash.

Lancashire County Council's trading standards is warning people to be on their guard against a leaflet asking for donations of clothing, shoes and household items.

It claims they will be distributed in discount charity shops in Eastern Europe'.

But chief trading standards Jim Potts said: "In reality, it is very difficult to confirm where the items are likely to end up, and that any charitable causes will actually benefit.

He says similar charitable' doorstep collections in the past have been linked to traders who have re-sold the items for profit.

They have been branded as bogus by the Charity Commission as the items are re-sold by second hand dealers."

The latest pink leaflet being pushed through letter boxes in the Lancaster and Morecambe area refers to LDK Ltd' - one of the companies criticised by the Advertising Standards Authority for incorrectly implying it was a charitable' organisation.

To check whether companies are registered charities, contact the Charities Commission on 0870-333-0123 or log onto the website at

Or, for further information contact the trading standards department on 0845-600-1352.