I FEEL it is high time that the county council reassessed its woeful decision to install those cursed traffic lights at Scale Hall corner.

These lights have had a disastrous effect on local traffic flow, especially for the 50,000 people who live in Morecambe and Lancaster people who live north of the river coupled with the knock-on effect they have on the city centre at peak times.

Nothing creates more pollution than stationary traffic, and it also creates rat runs. Keep the traffic moving and people won't be looking for short cuts.

More infuriating is the way the lights stop traffic moving on Morecambe Road to let just one car out or often no cars at all when there are more than 20,000 vehicles a day using Morecambe Road.

By all means keep the bus lane but there has to be a better alternative to what we have had to put up with during this last year or so. It has definitely been a case of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

Traffic can tail back as far as the Shrimp roundabout in Morecambe while in Lancaster it can even reach the Pointer roundabout.

The county makes these decisions but we are the ones who have to live with them.

I know that residents in the Scale Hall area were consulted, and I sympathise with them. But did anyone consider any of the 51,400 people who live in Morecambe and Heysham and have to use this road every day? I don't think so.

Cllr Tony Wade, Westgate.