THE League of Friends of Westmorland General Hospital is looking for a new treasurer.

The charity, which works to provide additional equipment or items at the Kendal hospital which are not provided by the state, has lost its treasurer, Derek Hurst, who has had to resign because of pressure of work.

Chairman Roger Thompson said the league would be pleased to hear from anyone interested in taking over.

During 2003, the league received £26,140 in legacies, gifts, income and subscriptions, and spent £5,344 on equipment and other items for use in the hospital. However, there are a number of outstanding large bills still to be paid.

Over the year there were coffee mornings in Kendal Town Hall and the Dunmail Unit at the hospital, and an afternoon tea event in the hospital, which in total raised £900. The Long Distance Walkers, who started their walk from out-patients, raised another £150.

Many committee members have continued visiting wards at the hospital, and the ladies of Webster's Yard, St George's Church, and others, have continued to provide "comforts" for wards.

Mr Thompson thanked the committee members and those who provided the comforts, as well as benefactors and subscribers.

During the annual meeting, chief executive of Morecambe Bay Hospitals NHS Trust Ian Cumming updated the league about plans for the hospital, which include the trust moving towards university teaching hospital status.

The committee members who stood down at the meeting were re-elected.