CUMBRIA Police is urging residents to be vigilant with their home security as the dark Autumn nights draw in.

Today marks the end of British Summertime as the clocks revert back one hour and the county’s officers will be offering crime prevention advice all week.

Assistant Chief Constable Jerry Graham said: “Local people play a vital role in reducing crime and by taking a few simple steps they can help protect themselves and each other from becoming victims.

“As the dark nights draw in criminals and opportunist thieves think there is less chance of being caught so we are asking residents to be vigilant and look out for one another.”

The constabulary has advised that good quality locks are fitted on doors and windows, valuables are kept in a safe place and marked with your postcode.

Timer switches are recommended to give the impression that the house is occupied, as are alarm systems and security lights.

Residents are also warned to keep ladders out of reach, not to open the door to unknown callers and to keep vehicles secure.

Meanwhile, a combination of turning the clocks back and the recession could lead to an increase in rural crime, says the Country Land and Business Association North.

Douglas Chalmers, director CLA North, said: “Each year we seem to experience an increase in crime as soon as the clocks go back.

"This year, we have the continued spectre of the recession.”