SOUTH Lakeland District Council has been branded an ‘obstacle to local democracy’ by town councillors frustrated by a lack of communication on numerous issues.

Councillor Mark Hadwin attacked the district council at a meeting of the Grange Town Council after several items had to be delayed because councillors were left awaiting responses from SLDC officers.

Town councillors had already been angered by a hold-up of the Clare House Lane footbridge with a report to SLDC cabinet being delayed. Later on, they were told that the town clerk had not had a response to his email sent in August about public conveniences.

The final straw was when the clerk announced he had still not received a response from SLDC following a request to provide additional warning signs about the dangers of walking on Morecambe Bay Sands.

“We are talking about people’s safety here,” said Coun Hadwin. “I have come to the opinion that SLDC are an obstacle to local democracy. I think it is absolutely disgusting that they are not coming back to us.”

A spokesman from South Lakeland District Council said: “We are aware that there are some outstanding issues that the council is looking into and he council will be in touch with Grange Town Council in the near future about these matters.”