WEDDING fever gripped a Windermere hotel when TV crews turned up to film for two reality shows about the big day.

The Beech Hill Hotel was overrun with brides battling it out for the wedding of their dreams after it agreed to host two programmes to be aired next year.

A crowd of excited brides-to-be turned up on a double decker bus to film for Wedding TV’s Brides on a Bus, while Living TV’s Four Weddings arrived just days later for the marriage of Samantha Weatherall and Samuel Gooding.

The couple had married in Bowness before moving on to the Beech Hill for a celebration.

Donna Myers, the hotel’s sales manager, said they had already booked the wedding before entering the contest, which could see them winning an all-expenses-paid luxury honeymoon.

“We don’t know the results yet but the day was so beautiful that we are all hopeful Samantha has won.

“We just hope the other brides agreed with us and vote for her,” she said.

“It’s been a busy time at Beech HIll. It’s been very exciting and the other guests were all intrigued.

“The staff are obviously used to dealing with weddings but the pressure was on when it was all being filmed. I think we rose to the challenge.”

Brides on a Bus will be shown next year while the next series of Four Weddings will be shown at Easter.