VANDALS have caused £1,000 worth of damage to a police transit van.

Officers had securely parked the van outside a house while responding to an incident in the High White Close area of Ormsgill, Barrow, between 7.40pm and 7.50pm last night (Saturday).

During that time the van's four tyres were punctured and two large side windows were smashed, causing around £1,000 worth of damage.

Witnesses saw two boys aged between 12 and 15 wearing dark hooded tops with the Henleys logo in white on the front causing the damage before running off into Ormsgill estate.

Cumbria Police have reminded the public of the potential danger of causing vandalism such as this as while the officers were waiting for recovery of the vehicle they were unable to respond to any other calls.

Anyone with information is asked to contact PC 1979 Steph Holmes or PC 153 Ollie Hamilton on 0845 33 00 247.