A TRIO of friends are heading to the Big Apple to raise money for the mental health charity, Mind.

Martha Sheppard and Marina Davis, both of Bowness, and Michelle Parker-Reed, of Ulverston, are taking part in the New York Marathon in memory of Jill Stanton, a friend of Marina’s who killed herself in 2007 due to mental health problems.

“We decided that if we were going to go in for a marathon why not really go for it and head to the original,” said Miss Sheppard, 26.

“One in four people will suffer mental distress at some point in their lives and everyone knows someone who has struggled so we couldn’t think of a better cause.”

They have pledged to raise £4,500 for the charity and have so far raised more than £3,000 through donations, a fancy dress fundraiser and drumming workshops.

They are also having a sweepstake to guess their finishing times and are planning a pub quiz and further drumming sessions to help raise more money after the marathon.

“We are paying for everything ourselves - our flights and accommodation - so every penny raised goes straight to Mind,” added Miss Sheppard.

To sponsor the trio visit www.justgiving.com/the-3-ms-nyc-2009.