RESIDENTS of a South Lakeland town are pledging to continue their opposition to a council’s decision to sell off land for business premises.

Despite concerns voiced by residents and opposition councillors about increased traffic and potential flooding issues, members of South Lakeland District Council’s cabinet voted to approve recommendations to sell council-owned land at North Lonsdale Road for development as business premises.

SLDC bosses hope the nine-acre site will provide room for thriving Ulverston firms to expand into when the economy emerges from the recession.

“There is an urgent need for such a site on North Lonsdale Road,” said Graham Vincent, SLDC portfolio holder for economic prosperity and transport. “There are a lot of businesses here involved in cutting-edge technology for energy conservation. We cannot afford to stifle the growth of these companies.”

However, Amanda Rigg, Windermere Town Councillor and resident of North Lonsdale Road, fears her home could be surrounded on three sides by and future development and that she could be at risk of flooding.

“A development of this size will impact highly on the current flood problems that already exist,” she said. “South Ulverston is built on a recognised flood plain, and we really don’t need this terrible situation making worse.

“The drainage system is incapable of controlling the current conditions, and the additional units would increase this problem, resulting in major repercusions.”

Mrs Rigg said she would look at forming a community committee to ensure any future development was not too intrusive.

Peter Thornton, SLDC cabinet member, said: “Every community depends on well-paid jobs. Ulverston both needs these jobs and the whole area needs these jobs. When we come out of the recession there will be demand for this land. I’m convinced this is the right thing to do.”