A SOFT play area has been created in Ambleside.

Rufty Tuftys, based in the Rothy Holm Industrial Estate, has been created by Barry and Ruth Thompson because they recognised a lack of facilities for toddlers in the town.

“We have a large soft play area that keeps the kids busy for an hour and a half and gives the parents a break,” said Barry, 47. “There was nothing for young kids to do in Ambleside but now there is. They seem to really enjoy coming here.”

The play area, which can cater for up to 65 children at a time, is open seven days a week from 10am to 5pm.

There is a cafe area for parents to relax and cctv will be fitted to allow parents to watch their children play.

The two-week old venture has so far created one full-time job and three part-time.