AN area of Cumbria is part of a major government initiative at tackling feelings of 'unfairness' and exclusion among traditional, white, working class communities.

Communities Secretary John Denham has named Cleator Moor one of 27 areas across the country which will be targeted with new funding to help lift the pressures caused by the recession.

The launch comes as academics reveal “traditional” communities such as those seen in EastEnders and Coronation Street feel ignored by society and excluded from politics.

Feelings of isolation and unfairness can lead them to taking “extreme” political views, the Institute of Community Cohesion warned.

Academic director, Professor Harris Beider said tight knit family structures of the 1950s had gone along with important institutions like trade unions and working mens’ clubs.

There are fears within government that failing to address the concerns of these communities and feelings of exclusion from mainstream politics could leave them open to extremist messages.

Mr Denham will tell an audience in central London today that ministers are committed to “fairness” and not favouring “special interest groups”.

He will say: “We will make it clear that Government is committed to making sure, in every community, in every corner of this country, people know we are on their side. No favours. No privileges. No special interest groups. Just fairness.”

”In recent years substantial investment has transformed large parts of the country.

”Almost without exception these communities have benefited considerably from SureStart centres, rising school standards, modernisation of public housing, the introduction of neighbourhood policing and many families have gained significantly from tax credits.

”But this investment has taken place against a background of wider changes which has left some communities feeling under pressure.

”As part of an ambitious programme of work, around 100 areas of the country have been identified as the focus of a targeted programme of work that will focus on alleviating those pressures and making sure that real help is available.

”Practical actions delivered on estates and streets will focus on developing a real insight into what is happening in those communities and introduce changes that will address local people’s concerns, reconnect them with jobs and tackle the real and perceived sense of unfairness some people are feeling.”