ORGANISATIONS in Ulverston have put the kibosh on a resident’s idea to raise funds for local charities by placing a collection box next to the hugely popular Laurel and Hardy statue.

A member of the public suggested visitors to the town who went to see the monument, unveiled earlier this year outside Coronation Hall in County Square, could donate money which would be divided equally between good causes.

Sons of the Desert, the Laurel and Hardy fanclub which raised the funds for the statue, said they would be “uncomfortable” with the idea, and local councillors spoke out against it at Monday’s town council meeting.

Janette Jenkinson said: “I think to put anything like this there is a bit insensitive. I could go along with a charity box in the tourist information centre (in Coronation Hall), but I think anything in that square would be totally against what Ulverston stands for.

“We are a welcoming town - we don’t expect people to pay to see a statue.”

Coun Brenda Marr agreed, adding: “It is a very classic statue - the whole thing just sings of being a bit above the normal tourist attraction and I think it would deface it to have a begging bowl there.

“It’s not that I am against any charities, and I can understand it in principle but I don’t think there’s any need for it.”

The council agreed to write to the resident to thank him for his suggestion.