THE head of a nationally-recognised South Lakeland logistics IT company has backed a university-run business management programme.

Andrew Moses, managing director of The Config Team, based near Milnthorpe, is recommending business leaders in Cumbria to attend the LEAD (Leading Enterprise and Development) programme run by the University of Cumbria.

Mr Moses attended a pilot of the scheme and said it heped give him a different perspective on his business.

“The programme was extremely useful,” he said. “It allowed me to step back and take a look at the business.

“It was also good to hear from people in different industries about the challenges facing them and hear how they tackled them. I really would recommend it to all SME owner-managers, it can and does make a difference.”

The university’s business school has been selected to deliver the course, with funding from the Northwest Regional Development Agency.

The Lead course aims to work with 125 owner-managers of firms employing less than 20 staff over the next three years.

Professor Steve Kempster, head of the business school, said: “It gives owner-managers the opportunity to focus on the growth, profitability and success of their business and will be a great help to many SMEs throughout the Cumbrian economy.”

More information is available by visiting or calling 0845 0066888.