KENDAL’S cultural quarter will soon enjoy a raft of improvements following a substantial cash boost from the North West Development Agency.

Two thirds of the £150,000 grant will be to deliver a range of measures in Kirkland, including widening pavements, improving lighting and signage and introducing seating areas and public art.

The money was awarded to Kendal Futures Board for the Kendal –Gateway to Lakes Public Realm Project (KGLPRP) -a series of economic and environmental regeneration initiatives KFB, which is made up of public and private sector community representatives, is working in partnership with the Kirkland Partnership to determine how to spend the money.

Brian Harrison, chairman of the Kirkland Partnership, said gaining the support of the NWDA was a fantastic achievement, adding: “It just shows what can happen when communities work together.”

He said the improvements had been identified in the Kirkland Partnership’s five-year plan and thanked local councillors, residents and businesses for their hard work and vision.

“I would like to think that our success could be mirrored by other communities in Kendal, but the message must be, don't expect overnight success, work with other groups in your area and encourage the participation of your local council representatives,” he added.

Joanne Golton, Kendal’s regeneration manager, said she hoped the improvements, which are due to be completed next March, would encourage people to walk between the new K-Village development and the town centre.

“Kendal has an opportunity to increase footfall and spend with the opening of K-village in Spring 2010,” she said. “It is expected to attract 1.5 million visitors per year.”

This latest cash boost adds to the £165,000 already secured KGLPRP from South Lakeland District Council, Cumbria County Council and K-Village.