KENDAL, Monday, February 16. Forward: 428 sheep; 89 ewes and rams; 10 calves. Prices Old season lambs: light to 117 pence per kilo (average £37); standard 131p (£50.50); medium 139p (£57); heavy 121.70p (£56.50). Light ewes £58.50 (£30.53). Rams £48.50 (£30.63). Black and White bull calves £78 (£31.67).

PENRITH, Monday, February 16. Forward: 45 prime cattle comprising 24 clean cattle and 21 prime bulls. Prices Limousin heifers to 133.5 pence per kilo; Blonde d'Aquitaine 129.5p. Limousin steers 117.5p; Saler 106.5p. Limousin bulls 123.5p; Charolais 103.5p; Friesian 87.5p.

LANCASTER, Monday, February 16. Forward: 93 cattle; 56 young bulls; 1,483 sheep; 410 ewes and rams. Prices cattle: medium steers to 109.5 pence per kilo (average 92.9p); heavy 119.5p (95p). Light heifers 98.5p (95p); medium 123.5p (95.8p); heavy 115.5p (95.2p). Young bulls: light 102.5p (86p); medium 114.5p (96.1p); heavy 112.5p (101.2p). Old season lambs: light 139p (118p); standard 155.2p (134.5p); medium 155p (134p); heavy 139.1p (127.2p); overweight 114.8p (109.7p). Light ewes £56 each (£40.68).

ALSO, Friday, February 13. Forward: 1 breeding cow; 152 stores; 15 calves; 40 store sheep. Prices store cattle: bulls: Limousin to £545 each; South Devon £360. Steers: Charolais £600; Limousin £630; Belgian Blue £600; Blonde d'Aquitaine £625; South Devon £535. Heifers: Charolais £525; Limousin £530; Belgian Blue £525; Simmental £500; Blonde d'Aquitaine £655. Cow and heifer calf £570. Calves £255. Store sheep: sheep and lambs £150; hoggs £45.50.

HAWES, Tuesday, February 17. Forward: 11 calves; and 1,341 sheep comprising 905 prime hoggs; 258 lightweight and store hoggs; and 178 cast ewes and rams. Prices calves: Limousin bulls to £240 (average £209.50); heifers £78. Blonde d'Aquitaine bulls £188; Belgian Blue £206; Friesian/Holstein £72 (£47.50). Belgian Blue heifers £116.

Prime hoggs: light to 125 pence per kilo (116.5p); standard 137.8p (125.2p); medium 138p (125.4p); heavy 125.6p (116.8p). Overall average 125.2p. Continental 138p, £66 each; Suffolk 133.7p, £57.80; Mule 132.8p, £59; Horned 128.8p, £57. Lightweight hoggs: Continental 127.3p (113.6p); Mule 124p (115.2p); Horned 124.4p (110.1p). Store hoggs: Continental and Suffolk £32.40 (£29.13); Mule £38 (£36.13); Horned £20.50 (£17.73). Cast ewes: Horned £40.80 (£23.56); Polled £61 (£41.53). Cast rams: Horned £35 (£23.90); Polled £58.50 (£51.43).

ULVERSTON, Tuesday, February 17. Prices finished steers: premium to 118.50 pence per kilo (average 107.50p); prime 115.50p (105.50p); other 96.50p (92.50p). Finished heifers: premium 121.50p (104.50p); prime 120.50p (104.50p); other 97.50p (90.50p). Finished prime young bull 111.50p. Old season lambs: premium to 35.9 kilo 144.71p (129.50p), to 45.5 kilo 138.16p (115.56p); prime to 35.9 kilo 140.86p (125.56p), to 45.5 kilo 134.92p (124.90p), to 52 kilo 116.30p (113.22p); other 114.60p (111.28p).